Convenience functions for returning color tables for anthrome classes, levels, and types
anthrome_colors(kind = "class")
kind | The anthrome color palette to return. One of "class", "level", or "type". Defaults to "class" the color palette for the full 21 anthrome classes. |
anthrome_colors('class')#> Urban Mixed settlements #> "#A80000" "#FF0000" #> Rice villages Irrigated villages #> "#0070FF" "#00A9E6" #> Rainfed villages Pastoral villages #> "#A900E6" "#FF73DF" #> Residential irrigated croplands Residential rainfed croplands #> "#00FFC5" "#E6E600" #> Populated croplands Remote croplands #> "#FFFF73" "#FFFFBE" #> Residential rangelands Populated rangelands #> "#E69800" "#FFD37F" #> Remote rangelands Residential woodlands #> "#FFEBAF" "#38A800" #> Populated woodlands Remote woodlands #> "#A5F57A" "#D3FFB2" #> Inhabited drylands Wild woodlands #> "#D9BD75" "#DAF2EA" #> Wild drylands Ice #> "#E1E1E1" "#FAFFFF" #> NODATA #> NAanthrome_colors('level')#> Dense settlements Villages Croplands Rangelands #> "#CD6666" "#AA66CD" "#FFFF00" "#FFAA00" #> Cultured Wildlands NODATA #> "#D3FFBE" "#38A800" NAanthrome_colors('type')#> Intensive Cultured Wild NODATA #> "#EDCDCB" "#FFFFFF" "#CADAA9" NA